Shipping & Return

Shipping Policy

  • Free Shipping on all items

  • All orders are shipped out via UPS or USPS or FedEx

  • Shipping Locations:
    1. Shipping is only valid for shipping addresses in the United States excluding Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
    2. We do not deliver to FPO, APO, and PO Box addresses.

Return Policy

  • If you think your product is not suitable, you can return your product within 30 days from the date of delivery. And please return it with the original packaging and all accessories. Returned products that do not satisfy these requirements may not qualify for a refund or exchange.

  • You must contact us about any questioned item within 90 days of the delivery date to qualify for a resolution of the issue. We reserve the right to refuse service for any questioned item reported more than 90 days after the delivery date.

  • If you want to return the goods in person, please contact us timely. Our email address is